Pray for Miami

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Prayer for preparation

Here in Miami we are reminded everywhere we look that today marks the first day of Hurricane Season. Such is the inspiration for today’s prayer.

Father God,
We know that in this world full of atmospheres in conflict there will be seasons of storms. We know that what today appears to be tranquil and refreshing seas may in a moment become life threatening and unpredictable. We know that the soft breezes we barely notice today may one day rage without mercy. We know that light rains which today freshen the ground have within them all the potential to wash away cities. We know that the shelter we take for granted today is only temporary and can be removed in a puff. We know these things or at least we should. We don’t think about them, but we could. So Father give us pause today to look wholly to you. Let all of us stop and prepare. Let us check our foundations. Are we building our plans and our lives on your rock or have we been expanding down into the sandy beach? Are we being careful to shutter our eyes against the debris of the enemy? Or have we felt unbreakable in our own callousness. Have we thinned the thick branches of distraction which we have allowed to loom so fully over our lives lest they come crashing down. Have we stored up the fruit and food of your word deep in our hearts? Father we turn to you now. Some of us may sense the barometric pressure dropping and others may be feeling the pressure of the winds already increasing. But, Father, where ever we find ourselves today we stop and we declare our dependence on you – the maker of the wind and the seas. We, like the wind and seas, seek to obey you. We want to depend on your peace even deep within the dark turmoil.

Give us pause today to sense your peace. Guard our hearts, minds, and eyes and give us firm footing. Keep us from distraction, but rather let us be fully enamored by the richness of who you are and let our focus be centered there. Do all these things, Father, so that we would all be prepared to be fully dependent upon you in the face of the coming storms.

So be it.