Pray for Miami

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A Prayer for the Lost

Father God, thank you for the beauty you provide to us in Miami. Thank you for allowing us to feast our eyes on the array of colors, the lush vegetation and the warm sea. Thank you for the sunsets, for the shadows the palm trees cast in the sky at dusk. Your creativity has no limits, we praise you for those gifts. In the midst of this city are your beloved children; so many of them young and beautiful, but their spirits are lost. They don't hear You calling them because of the noise in their minds, the noise that fills their thoughts with everything but You. Help us reach them Lord, help us show them a love that is everlasting, the way to peace, the way to You.

We pray for the broken hearts, the disappointed, the hurt, the misguided, the abandoned and lonely, the addicted, the ones who found their way into the darkness. Show them Your light Lord, light up their hearts and minds so they can feel Your presence in the darkness, Your hand reaching out to rescue them.
