Pray for Miami

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Prayer for Humble Leadership

Father God,Raise up the leaders of your Church in Miami and let them put you, not themselves or their ministries, first in all they do. Draw them close to you. Renew those leaders in your Church who have been in Miami for years and are tired. Fill them with a tangible and contagious passion for your Kingdom work in this city. Give them wisdom and discernment. Guard the new leaders you are drawing into this city. Provide for their needs, Lord, as you pave the way for the work you are calling them to do here. Lastly, Lord, unify all these leaders in humility and in their desire to see your Kingdom lived out in the city of Miami. Knit them and their ministries together in a way only you can do. Poor out your Spirit on them Father that they would know your greatness and be ever aware of their own weaknesses so that your strength, not theirs, would prevail as you build your Church in Miami.Amen and Amen