Pray for Miami

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Prayer Over Our Diversity

Check it out, God. How is that each of us is made in Your image, yet we are all so different? We think differently, feel differently, eat differently, worship differently. No two of us have even the same set of fingerprints. How beyond us it is to fathom that You are behind it all, behind US all! To love our neighbor in Miami, Lord, is not only to love a fellow image-bearer of You, but likely to love a represented nation, from somewhere other than our backyard. We pray You strengthen unity of the Body, in Your name, through the celebration of our diversity. To taste Miami is to imagine a little bit of what heaven will be like, when every nation's knees will bow and all tongues will confess that You are the Lord, the one true living God. Help us then, while we are still here, to bring heaven (Your kingdom) to earth by how we love You and love others. You said that if we ask anything in Your name, You will do it. We ask for this boldly in Your name, and Your name alone! Reveal more of Yourself through us, by the power of Your Spirit. Bring all to the saving knowledge of You! Amen.