Pray for Miami

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Prayer for Fathers

Father God,You are our Heavenly Father and there is none other who can compare to you.  Yet you have graced many of us with filling the role of earthly Father in our families and within our communities.  It is an awesome and terrifying privilege and responsibility.  This is a special prayer this week for the fathers in your Church in Miami.  Please guard their hearts and minds.  Protect them from fear and anxiety.  Bolster them with your holy encouragement and bless them with your Peace.  Narrow their focus on you and keep them from the relentless distractions of this world.  Fill their hearts with your Love and their bodies with your Strength.  Make them the heroes, the leaders, the husbands, the encouragers, the teachers, and the providers that you desire them to be.  Encourage them with the fullness of your Spirit so they may adequately steward the generations and the resources of your Kingdom here in Miami.Amen and Amen