Prayer at the Edge
I have grown up around the water and have seen many sharks over the years. For the most part I know that they aren’t interested me but I’d be lying if I said they don’t make me nervous, because I know what they are capable of doing to me (even if by accident). I know they are Apex Predators and I do have healthy respect for them. I’ve had a couple of opportunities to go on shark dives on some of my visits to Nassau, Bahamas. It’s an amazing experience and definitely makes you appreciate what incredible creatures they are.
On my first shark dive our dive master to us to a 40’ depth right at the edge of the Tongue of the Ocean. They nicknamed the spot Shark Beach because it’s a sandy patch right next to the ledge that drops down to 6500’+. This is where the dive master would lure the dozens of 8’-12’ black tip sharks up out of the abyss for our mutual encounter. I confess that I was feeling excited but there was a definite fear welling up as my mind started to imagine what monsters lurked at the shadowed depths who might decide to come visit us. Ultimately, the black tips sharks came to visit and they were much more interesting than fear inducing because we had been trained in how to face them and learn about them safely and wisely.
Fear is a powerful thing. Sometimes it’s helpful as a guardrail to keep us in check. However, often it can feel like a deep dark abyss filled with monsters. I’ve learned that most of Fear’s power comes from how much we allow ourselves to entertain it. It’s one thing to recognize it and it’s another thing to dwell on it.
Is there a fear in your life right now that seems to drawing your attention to it like a huge gaping abyss filled with unimaginable monsters?
Philipians 4:6-7 says “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”
The best guard against Fear is Thanksgiving. That’s not my promise that’s God’s promise. Take time today to find reasons to be thankful in whatever your circumstances. Spend time in prayer and tell God about your fears. Then be thankful for all the ways he has been faithful in your life. Let Thanksgiving be the buoyancy in your life that keeps you from sinking into the Abyss. Feel His Peace lifting you out of that darkness.