Pray for Miami

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Prayer for Intimacy

The world is certainly weird right now. Our realities have become virtual. One aspect to this new normal which I am so surprised by is the increased intimacy. It seems counter intuitive being that we can’t be close to one another and we only interact across the screen. However, all of sudden all of our meetings are happening in each others libraries or living rooms. Children are at work with their parents (for better or worse) and sometimes make guest appearances in the corporate board rooms. We are in t-shirts, un-made up, and un-styled. Everyday is “come as you are” day to whatever virtual gathering we may be attending. In some strange way even as we scramble to put on protective masks … so many of masks we normally put on everyday have disappeared. I pray that even as we sit isolated from our community that we are able to reflect on how much we truly value one another. I pray that we embrace this new intimacy as we are virtually ushered into our colleague’s homes and as we make ourselves vulnerable in new ways. I pray that as the normal pretensions fall away that we connect on a new and deeper level and appreciate the other people God has placed in our lives. Embrace this moment and make a deeper connection today with someone because we don’t know what tomorrow will bring.