Pray for Miami

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Prayer for Shared Experiences

Shared experiences, especially difficult ones, help us to grow together. Don’t they? Some of my best friendships in the film business were born on the set of particularly difficult shoot. My military friends and first responder friends will tell you that serving alongside a brother or sister in a life threatening situation has cemented a lifelong bond between them. Those situations reveal character. They reveal purpose. They reveal vulnerability. What will this global shared experience reveal about you? I am hoping that this will be an opportunity for a new depth of authenticity among one another. I’m praying for the new leaders who are rising up in this moment to affect change in Miami. I pray for you as you are challenged and as you realize you are not alone in the challenge. I pray that you will discover great qualities of your character you didn't know about or had forgotten. I pray that as we go through this time together we become aware of and appreciate one another across Miami in a new way. I am thankful for shared experiences, especially the difficult ones, because they bring us together. I am thankful that this trying time is being redeemed in the relationships being born out of it. Amen? Amen.