Prayer over violence

Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the sons of God. Father, make us instruments of your peace in our worlds. Remind us that we are your sons and daughters and be with us in moments of conflict so that we would reflect your Godliness into the midst of discord. May your peace flow over Miami and may it begin with us, your Church - your sons and daughters. Father, we are so aware that this is a fallen world so far out of sync from your peace. Even as you sew peace through us there are still so many in this city who live in fear and pain from the violence which surrounds them. Oh Father, God, we fall humbly before you today with broken hearts and broken spirits as intercessors for those people across this city for whom violence is a daily event. Make us peacemakers, but even more give them peace today and this week. We know in confidence that one day you will reconcile this world back to you. The lion will lie down with the lamb and there will be no more violence. We also know that we live in this world full of violence, and we ask that this week in Miami you give us a glimpse of your kingdom. We pray together in agreement for your Shalom throughout Miami this one week - let it be a week of protection; a week of healing; a week of respite; and a week of peace. For all the children who are captive in fear, for all the women who know only the touch of violence, for the men who have no solace, Father, cover them this week. Bind the forces of violence so that they would be unable to carry out their assignments across this city during this week. Send your angels to minister to those who are victims during this week of peace. Make us, your Church, acutely aware this week of people who need a touch of love and a hand extended in peace. May we be hearers and doers of your word. May we truly be your sons and daughters across the city of Miami. May there be rejoicing this week in the midst of your healing and peace.

So be it!

Miami, MiamiJohnComment