Prayer for a New Decade
Father,How limited are we that a decade encompasses so much of our lives? How fleeting is our time here on this earth and how empty without you. As we look ahead to the next 10 years we know that change is at hand. In this new decade we know there will be great loss and great joy. We know there will be moments of shame and glory. We know there will be times of overwhelming blessing and times of desperate need. None of it will be a surprise to you nor will any of it change you. But we pray, Lord, that it will transform us. That we will begin to have a mind of Christ as we seek to press into you in the midst of all of it. So as we mark the passage of time and look ahead to this decade we take the opportunity to commit it to you. We humbly commit ourselves to you for your service in this decade. We fall before you asking that you take our lives and use us as your Church. Tear down the walls that separate us from you and from each other. As we pray together we ask that you bind us together in Your Spirit across this city. We exalt you above our denominations. We exalt you above our neighborhood. We exalt you above our economic and social influence. We exalt you above wealth. We exalt you above poverty. We exalt you above politics. We exalt you above our families. We exalt you above our ministry work. We exalt you above our jobs. We exalt you above our nationality and our ethnic background. We exalt you above ourselves. We exalt you! We exalt YOU! Father, be exalted in Miami now and in the coming decade. As you transform your Church in Miami we ask that you transform this city. Reconcile this city and her people back to you. There will be many changes in our lives, in Your Church, and in Miami this decade. We know this. But hear the desire of our heart, Father, and let this decade be the decade of revival and renewal in Miami.So Be It.