Prayer for Alertness

Father God,Forgive us, your sleepy church, as we amble through this life and through this city where you have placed us.  Awaken us, Lord.  Stimulate our senses to make us keenly aware of  your glorious presence.  May we grasp the urgency and the great need of this world to know your peace and joy.  Don't allow your Church in Miami to slumber until the next crisis shakes us awake.  Overwhelm us with your love and don't let us sleep in our contentment while so many people around us suffer everyday.  Please fill our nostrils with your fresh aroma and our lungs with your invigorating breath so that we would be inspired to go forth as you have called us to go forth.  Make us your strong arms and tireless legs in this city to make way for a revival of your love throughout Miami.So Be It.

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