Prayer for Freedom

Savior, Lord,Your Grace is sufficient.  Why do we pursue everything else?  How ungrateful are we?  How shallow?  How wanting?  Even in striving to pursue you we are so easily deceived by the enemy.  Our striving seems little more than vanity.  We, your Church in Miami, pray for freedom to worship.  Not civil freedom but spiritual freedom to commune with you in intimacy.  Hear our prayer, Lord Jesus, and transform us into the bride you have called us to be.  We pray that we may run beside you - free to dance, free to sing, free to hold you, free to enjoy the wind of your Spirit and glow of your Glory.  But we stagger here in shame, bitterness, fear and bondage.  We, your Bride, your Church,  have burdened ourselves with possessions, with expectations, with theology, with status, with reputation, with resentment, with competition, with our plans, with laziness, with busyness and so much more.  Strip these chains from us yet again.  Draw us together as your Church in Miami and draw us to you.  Give us pause as we humble ourselves before you and pray this freedom for your Church and for Miami.  May we seek only you and only what matters to you.  Redeem us and this city so that a watching world know your love for them.We ask in the authority of your Name, Jesus,Amen and Amen

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