Prayer for Sadness

Father God,Make us sad.  Don't allow us, your Church, to become so busy "getting ready" for Easter that we miss the pain around us.  Give us a glimpse of Your sadness as you watch your children in Miami die in sin while your church makes plans for spring break or beautiful Easter events.  Let us each have just a small taste of the hopelessness and sorrow that Christ took upon himself on the cross.  But, Father, protect us from despair with the reminder of your absolute love and faithfulness.  Take us to a place of sadness but let us emerge with authentic joy in the knowledge of the resurrection of Christ.  May we go out into the world this week empathetic and acutely aware of the need for your healing and peace all around us.  May we go out into Miami this week with sad hearts but with eyes reflecting the joy of Christ and mouths proclaiming His peace.So Be it.

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