Prayer for the Frontlines
Father,Father, we pray for peace - Your Peace - to come over this world. We pray for the end of physical war and we pray for the families and friends who have lost loved ones in those wars. We lift up those who are serving or who have loved ones serving in battle. This week as we remember those men and women who have sacrificed their lives in the name of freedom, we give you thanks for people who obediently place themselves at the forefront of the battle. Give us pause from our daily routines and let us reflect on the example they have left for us. Give us understanding to know that there are battles worth engaging in. We know there are wars across the globe. Lord, we pray that you would grant us an understanding to know we are also constantly engaged in the spiritual warfare of your kingdom. Father, remind us - Your Church in Miami - that Lives are in the balance, Families are on the brink, and Eternity is at stake. Father, give us a wartime sensibility in our daily lives. Raise our awareness. Make us vigilant. Convict us of our excesses and use our resources for your kingdom. Grant us your protection and courage. Remind us that as your church we are on the frontlines against an enemy who seeks to oppress, bind, and kill the people whom you love.In the freedom and grace of Christ Jesus.Amen