Prayer for Your Vision

"Where there is no vision, the people perish."Proverbs 29:18 Lord, we pray today for time with you.  Lord that we would pause and seek Your face.  That we would then see Your face, eyes wide open to then be directed to see what you see in Miami.  Where is your focus, Lord?  Where should we focus today?  We pray that we would feel your wind at our backs today and our steps lit before us to walk in your will - to walk where Christ leads us.  Without vision we perish, we scatter - we're lost, so God we pray that you would help us all see more clearly, that you would break the webs of confusion, our selfish idols, any roots of bitterness and the leaves of spiritual blindness that can grow over our eyes.  We want to move with you today...I want to move with you today Lord and speak your words of life into the dead places you lead me. Thank you Jesus that we are not alone - we rely on your power today, the same that rose you from the dead - to help even more find their resurrection.  In the name of Jesus we pray. So be it.  Amen.

Miami, MiamiJohnComment