Prayer for Rain

Father God,
Rain down on Miami. We have had precipitation but, Lord, we need your Spirit. We need to hear the thunder and power of your word and witness the lightning precision of your hand. Many of us don't even recognize how dry we are. We gather together in our church buildings every weekend across this city. Father even as your Spirit is bubbling up like a spring in some of the congregations there are still others feeling resources drying and brothers and sisters in those bodies anxious about their future. Remind us of your precious love for us. Some of us go to work not knowing if it will be our last day. For others of us the last day is becoming a distant memory as our money dries up and our opportunities seem non existent. The ground feels parched but we ask that you would rain down and flood the city with your Spirit. Unite the little puddles of churches spread across Miami with a mighty river of your living water. Wash us together into a flowing stream that will nourish and revive this wonderful city.


Miami, MiamiJohnComment