Prayer for Vision

Heavenly Father,

Please give us -- your church in Miami -- a unifying vision for this city. May we yearn for community with our brothers and sisters across this city: those who live in different zip codes, those who dress differently, those who speak differently, and those who look different. Look into our hearts and create change. May Christ be our first love. May the world see him when they look upon us and may we see him when we look upon each other. Let us learn to rejoice together in our blessings and learn to grieve together with broken hearts for the lost across the communities in Miami. Eradicate jealousy, fear, misunderstanding, prejudice, bitterness, competition, anger, and any other foothold the Enemy may have within the congregations across Miami. Let us feel a longing for community with one another. Let us begin to sense the unifying power of your Spirit in the body of the Church of Miami as You move across this city drawing your people together. May the Enemy feel it as well and tremble.

So Be It.

Miami, MiamiJohnComment