Prayer for Comfort
Psalm 94:19 "When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer."Father God,Unless our hope is in you we have no hope. Unless you comfort us we are overcome with doubt and riddled with anxiety. Regardless of the conditions around us may we be filled by your peace, Father. Your peace extends so far beyond our circumstances that it is a mystery to the world. It just doesn't make sense. May we always be mindful that Christ alone is our rock and our foundation. And let us rejoice in you. Let us sing your praise in the midst of adversity. Let us, Your Church in Miami, lift you up above all else and glorify your name. You alone are God and you are greater than any trouble. Truly, Father, if you are for us who can be against us? You say that you will "rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. When they call on me I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue them and honor them." (Psalm 91:14-15) May this city see our dependance upon you, Lord. May our neighbors and coworkers sense Your Peace in our lives. No matter what our circumstances may your Church in Miami be a reflection of joy and hope. Let us be a source of your comfort in Miami in the name of Jesus Christ.In the grace and authority of that name we pray.amen and amen