Prayer for Hope

"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." - Romans 8:18 "Everything that is done in the world is done by hope."- Martin Luther King Jr.Father God,Thank you for stirring within Your Church in Miami.  Forgive us our sins: of comfort, of neglect, of arrogance, of greed, of consumption, of disregard, of pride; and so much more.  Forgive us for indulging our desires instead of listening in obedience to your Spirit.  Thank you for shaking us and making us ever more dependent on you.  Oh Father, fill us with the hope of our salvation and the joy of your kingdom and nothing else!  Let the world see your children rejoice when our jobs disappear;  when our health deteriorates; and when our earthly securities and resources seem to vanish.  Let the world and Miami-Dade see our dependance on you and hear us rejoice in You.  You have already provided all that we need in Christ.  Forgive us for desiring and clinging to anything else before Him.  We pray for ourselves, for our families, for our churches, for our neighbors, and for our city that you would stir uncontainable and contagious Hope.  Stir within us a Hope that banishes fear, idolatry, indifference, contention, jealousy, greed, hatred, and anything else that is not your perfect Love.And then, Lord, have your way in Miami.We pray in the grace and the authority of the Name of Jesus Christ.So be it!

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