Prayer for Expectancy

Father,We pray together as Your Church in Miami - the Bride of Christ - whom you have placed here in this city right at this moment.  We come before you humble in our sinfulness and insufficiency.  We also come before you joyfully grateful for your grace and mercy and the redeeming sacrifice of Christ by which we are washed clean.  It is in the authority of his Name that we pray with expectancy for the city of Miami.  We pray with expectancy that you will hear us.  We pray with the knowledge that you love the people of Miami mightily and that you desire for them to experience that love; and that you desire for them to know the healing and the abundant life that accompanies it.  We pray with expectancy that you will reconcile this city back to you.  We pray with expectancy that you will heal broken lives throughout Miami.  Touch this city and fill it with the amazing fragrance of your presence.  We ask this with expectancy not because we can affect change, but because we know that you can.We know that you will.In the authority and grace of Christ Jesus,So Be It

Miami, MiamiJohnComment