Prayer for Sight

Lord God,May we, your church,  fall before you.  Remove the blindness from our eyes so that we may see.  Allow us to see your Kingdom at work around us throughout this city.  Allow us to see the Enemy at work in the city around us so that we would be vigilant in pursuing your ways, Lord.  Let us not sit in comfort pursuing our own interests while the Enemy destroys the families and lives of people whom you love.  Let us not be content in these last days to be so absorbed with ourselves that we can't see the world around us which Jesus Christ came to save.  Forgive us our sins, Lord.  Cover us with your grace, mercy, and forgiveness so that we could be used in your Kingdom work here in Miami.  Align our sight to where you are at work in this city.  I pray that as Your Church in Miami we do not hesitate to be agents for you.So Be It

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