Prayer for Shelter
Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. Psalm 91:1-3Father, how blessed are we that we might have opportunity to dwell in your shelter and rest in your shadow. Please don't let us take that for granted or not take the opportunity at all. Many of us are so rich in your blessing that we have walls of security around us and a roof of protection over us. As we rest in our homes let us not forget those who don't have a safe place to lay their head or protection from the cold and the storms. May we never cease to be thankful. Lord, may we also never cease to be amazed and thankful that you are an infinitely more glorious and dependable shelter than any home could ever be. May we not take rest or confidence in any material thing more than we do in you, Father. Forgive our false securities when they distract us from resting in you. And when we are able to rest in your Shelter alone may we find the strength to press on in your higher calling and in the work of your kingdom.Amen and Amen