Prayer for the Dreams
"They said one to another behold here cometh the dreamer. Let us slay him and we shall see what will become of his dreams." Genesis 37:19-20 (inscribed on the plaque at the Lorraine Motel commemorating the assassination of MLK Jr)Father, charge us - Your Church in Miami - to grasp Your dreams of peace and love for this world and city. Make us dreamers for you and pursuers of you. Help us to embrace each other and sacrifice ourselves in love for one another. May we strive to follow Christ especially when doing so forces us to proclaim good news to the poor and freedom to the oppressed. Make us reach beyond ourselves to follow Christ sacrificially especially when it means loving our enemies and decrying injustice. And most of all, Father, forgive us when we ourselves are the slayers who are so quick to mute your prophets who challenge the status quo in this world.We pray in the Grace of the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.Amen